The Church of the Suffragio was built in the early 18th Century and consecrated in 1759. Long and narrow with two symmetrical side chapels, the building contains fine stucco decoration by Antonio Martinetti, dating from 1728.
There is a painting of The Madonna and Child, St Gregory the Great and the Souls in Purgatory (La Madonna col Bambino, San Gregorio papa e le anime del Purgatorio) by Giuseppe Marchetti (1722-1801) over the main altar, while the works over the side altars are The Assumption of the Madonna and Saints (L’Assunzione della Vergine e Santi) by Ravenna painter Giovanni Battista Barbiani (1593-1658) and Saints Romuald, Pascasius, Magloire and Samson (I Santi Romualdo, Pascasio, Maglorio e Sansone) by Felice Cignani (1660-1724).