The Cathedral, dedicated to Saint Catherine of Alexandria, was built in the late 16th Century to the order of Bishop Giovanni Andrea Caligari
Completed in 1601, it is a large building, with three broad naves subdivided by Ionic columns.
The picture of The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine (Nozze mistiche di Santa Caterina) over the main altar is by Giuseppe Marchetti (1722-1801).
The paintings of The Madonna Enthroned with the Apostles Peter and Paul (La Madonna in trono con i Santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo), by Francesco Longhi (1544-1618) and St Charles Borromeo at Prayer (San Carlo Borromeo in preghiera) by Felice Cignani (1660-1724) are particularly fine.
The chapel to the right of the main altar contains a large Wooden Crucifix of the German school, dating from the late 16th Century, said to have been donated to the church by a pilgrim in thanks for hospitality received.