Difficulty: low
Length: 60 km
Time: about 2 hours and 30 minutes
For some cyclists a walk in the park, for others a challenge right to the last climb. Start from Cervia, heading for the Statale Adriatica main road. Cross the main road and then take the first turning on the left (via Cervara). Then turn right onto via Beneficio 1° tronco and ride through Pisignano and Cannuzzo.
A few tight bends lead to the bridge to Dismano. Turn left and then right, and carry on towards Santa Maria Nuova. There is another bridge leading towards the via Emilia and then the traffic light, before Panighina, where the real climb starts.
The road runs alongside Villa Norina and then towards the final climb on the right of the town. After the climb the spring at the other end of the town offers cool refreshment.
Turn round and head straight back down the hill. Almost at the end of the run is via Madonna del Lago, which follows the line of the colle degli Anelli hill. The church of the same name, on the right, leads to the last climb. Then left back down to the via Emilia, then back through Santa Maria Nuova, Dismano, Matellica, Cannuzzo, Pisignano and finally Cervia.